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Beyond Borders


81 DAYS. 22 COUNTRIES. 4-SEATER PLANE. 2 FRIENDS. 1 BIG DREAM. Pilot Juan-Peter Schulze (JP) and travel vlogger Louis Cole set off to circumnavigate the world in a single-engine airplane in a celebration of global diversity. The duo had 81 days to complete their mission of offering a reminder that human connection, shunning preconceptions of different cultures, and respecting history is more important today than ever before.

81 DAYS. 22 COUNTRIES. 4-SEATER PLANE. 2 FRIENDS. 1 BIG DREAM. Pilot Juan-Peter Schulze (JP) and travel vlogger Louis Cole set off to circumnavigate the world in a single-engine airplane in a celebration of global diversity. The duo had 81 days to complete their mission of offering a reminder that human connection, shunning preconceptions of different cultures, and respecting history is more important today than ever before.

impact statement

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£111,563 raised on Kickstarter

Sponsors included: YouTube, GoPro, DJI, Sony, Redbull, 

Over 72 digital videos were created amassing 11 Million views on YouTube. 

Licensed to Discovery+ worldwide

Beyond Borders


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a few of our collaborators

Louis Cole
Louis Cole

JP Schulze
JP Schulze

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