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Recharged Podcast


The Recharged Podcast is a conversational and activity led video podcast which explores the idea of what it means to be an ‘activist’ or ‘change maker’ in the model digital age. Each episode sees Louis Cole, in his electrically converted 1973s VW van, taking his guest to meet, and hopefully be inspired by, a range of local social good heroes, learn about what they do and get hands on with their work. On the drive Louis and his guest will chat to help us understand more about what motivates them and what their own individual take on purpose is.

The Recharged Podcast is a conversational and activity led video podcast which explores the idea of what it means to be an ‘activist’ or ‘change maker’ in the model digital age. Each episode sees Louis Cole, in his electrically converted 1973s VW van, taking his guest to meet, and hopefully be inspired by, a range of local social good heroes, learn about what they do and get hands on with their work. On the drive Louis and his guest will chat to help us understand more about what motivates them and what their own individual take on purpose is.

impact statement

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10 episodes filmed in Q2 2020 

10 High-Profile Creators engaged reaching a total following of 50M+ followers

Issues featured in Season 1 included Homelessness, Anti-Bullying, Regenerative Systems, Sustainability, Mental Health, Refugee Support, Disability Advocacy and more.

Recharged Podcast


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a few of our collaborators

Louis Cole
Louis Cole

Ammar Kandil
Ammar Kandil

Chaz Smith
Chaz Smith

Gabbie Hanna
Gabbie Hanna

Elle Mills
Elle Mills

Borja Vázquez
Borja Vázquez

Eric Decker
Eric Decker

Jason Lee
Jason Lee

Kandee Johnson
Kandee Johnson

Jesse Wellens
Jesse Wellens

Amber Whittington
Amber Whittington

Jamiah Hargins
Jamiah Hargins

Ryan Harris
Ryan Harris

Miry Whitehill
Miry Whitehill

Ariel Whitson
Ariel Whitson

Tedi Serge
Tedi Serge

Meymuna Hussein-Cattan
Meymuna Hussein-Cattan

Marissa Hamamato
Marissa Hamamato

Phil America
Phil America

Andrew Linares
Andrew Linares

Houston Kraft
Houston Kraft

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