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The Better Internet Initiative


Founded in 2020, the Better Internet Initiative is an annual fellowship program created and led in partnership with Fellow Americans. The program is designed to empower and fund influential creators to publish a steady stream of fact-based content on the issues that matter most. With every video created, we discover and track the most effective ways of driving grassroots action around progressive policy.

Imagine a world in which today’s creators are not only ready to speak out on the issues–but equipped to do so, too. That’s the vision we’re bringing to life.

impact statement

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.


150+ program creators with a combined following of 50M+

1000+ unique pieces of content created 

Topics include election misinformation, vaccination education, social justice & equity, economic justice, climate, public health, democracy reform, and more

The Better Internet Initiative


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a few of our collaborators

Amber Whittington
Amber Whittington

Steph Shepherd
Steph Shepherd

Future Earth
Future Earth

Eitan Bernath
Eitan Bernath

Ashlee Marie Preston
Ashlee Marie Preston

Yes Theory
Yes Theory

The Laine Family
The Laine Family

Maiah Ocando
Maiah Ocando

Taylor Cassidy
Taylor Cassidy

Kati Morton
Kati Morton


Brandon Farbstein
Brandon Farbstein



Football to Fatherhood
Football to Fatherhood

Domo Wilson
Domo Wilson

Dr. Brent Binder
Dr. Brent Binder

Franny Arrieta
Franny Arrieta

Louis Cole
Louis Cole

Genevieve Hannelius
Genevieve Hannelius

Hallease Narvaez
Hallease Narvaez

Jaylin + Cardo
Jaylin + Cardo

JC Caylen
JC Caylen

Kelley Jakle
Kelley Jakle

Maiara Walsh
Maiara Walsh

Nick Diramio
Nick Diramio

Sara Echeagaray
Sara Echeagaray

Tessa Thompson
Tessa Thompson

The Grapevine
The Grapevine

Toddy Smith
Toddy Smith

What's Trending
What's Trending

Kareem Rahma
Kareem Rahma

Abram Engle
Abram Engle

Akeeba Maze
Akeeba Maze

Alexa Shoen
Alexa Shoen

Alex Weiss
Alex Weiss

Anja Du Plessis
Anja Du Plessis

Brian Tyler Cohen
Brian Tyler Cohen

Charles Michel
Charles Michel

Cheese Daily
Cheese Daily

Daisy Foko
Daisy Foko

Emma Mondem
Emma Mondem

Evelyn Ngugi
Evelyn Ngugi

Gio + Eli
Gio + Eli

Jaclyn Glenn
Jaclyn Glenn

Jade Fox
Jade Fox

Jaime Perkins
Jaime Perkins

Jessica McCabe
Jessica McCabe

Khalil Greene
Khalil Greene

Laura Lee
Laura Lee


Najwa Zebian
Najwa Zebian

Salem Tover
Salem Tover

Sebastian Moy
Sebastian Moy

Tiffany Yu
Tiffany Yu

Trae Crowder
Trae Crowder

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